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Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee Uttarakhand
"Bigger Models ..... Better Results"

Outstanding Contributions ( IRI )


Since its very beginning, IRI has made significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field of applied civil engineering and has achieved sizeable economy in the cost of the structures by evolving cheaper and hydraulically efficient designs.Some of the notable contributions made by the institute are:

  • Design of Sharda Type Fall for Canals.
  • Design of Hopper Type and Tunnel Type Desilting Chambers.
  • Design of Surge System under Transient Conditions.
  • Design of gravel packs for tubewell.
  • Hydraulic design of drainage arrangement for diversion tunnels of Tehri dam using Electro Hydro Dynamic Analog (EHDA) Technique.
  • Hydraulic design of intermediate level outlets for high Dams.
  • Evolving design criterion for Energy Dissipators at low Froude number.
  • Energy dissipation by Swirling Device for Shaft Spillways.
  • Energy dissipation through Interaction of Jets in Space.Design of Sharda Type Fall for Canals.
  • Impact type energy dissipators for Ranipur Super Passage.
  • Evolving Hydraulic Design Criterion for River Training Works.
  • Use of Isotope as Radio-Active Tracer for measurement of Discharge,Seepage ans Recharge.
  • Studies of Nathpa Jhanki Hydro Electric Power Project (HP) by 3-D EHDA method.
  • Analysis and Design of Surge Systems for Tandem Operation of two power houses of Yanuna Projects.
  • Use of diversion tunnels as spillway using Swivel flow technique for energy dissipation at Tehri Dam.
  • Evolving optimal design criterion for guide bunds and spurs.
  • Estimation of hydro-dynamics forces on gates working under high heads.
  • Siting Rail.Bridges for dedicated freight corridors proosed over different rivers by Indian Railways.